Here’s Why Premium Jane CBD Topicals Are the Industry’s Best

With so many options, why should you choose Premium Jane CBD cream over the rest of the products on the market? It is a valid question, and the answer relates to quality, trust, value, and customer satisfaction. Let’s get to it!

Who is Premium Jane?

Premium Jane is widely regarded as one of the top-rated CBD companies in the entire industry. Based in Scottsdale, Arizona, the brand truly believes in the power of CBD. As a result, it only uses organic hemp grown in Kentucky in its products. The company also utilizes CO2 extraction to ensure that customers don’t have to worry about residual solvents.

In an industry where regulation is limited, this company stands out. Like all of its products, Premium Jane CBD topicals come with third-party lab reports. These certificates of analysis (COAs) show you every cannabinoid and terpene in each product. You will also find proof that there are no pesticides, insecticides, or other nasty chemicals.

How Does the Premium Jane CBD Topicals Range Work?

Although CBD oil remains the most popular product type in general, there is a growing trend towards CBD topicals. While CBD oil is consumed orally or sublingually, users rub topicals into their skin.

Whether you use an ointment, salve, or cream, it works in the same way. Simply apply it to a specific area of the body. The cannabinoids in the product go through the first layer of skin rather than making the journey to the bloodstream. As a result, you don’t have to worry about the first-pass effect that metabolizes a large amount of the CBD in orally consumed products.

Although CBD topicals' bioavailability is unknown, it is likely higher than oral or sublingual consumption.

What is in the Premium Jane CBD Topicals Range?

This brand’s range includes salves, creams, and scrubs. The Premium Jane CBD topical salve 1500mg contains the highest concentration of cannabidiol in any of the brand’s topical products.

Like all Premium Jane products, this salve is non-GMO. It includes cocoa butter, jojoba oil, eucalyptus essential oil, and omega 3 and 6 oils, which could help nourish and moisturize the skin. There are two ounces of salve altogether, which means a single ml contains approximately 25mg of CBD!

One of the best things about this salve is the enormous amount of CBD it contains. Few topical products on the market give you 1,500mg of premium-grade CBD. It also offers an alluring cocoa butter scent.

Of all Premium Jane’s CBD topical range, however, it is the brand’s growing list of facial products that attract the most significant degree of attention. The Premium Jane 300mg CBD Day Cream option contains luxurious ingredients such as caviar oil and collagen.

There is 50ml of cream in each container, which equates to 6mg of CBD per ml. The brand has designed this product for use at any time of the day. As it contains various moisturizing ingredients, an increasing number of people try it instead of ‘traditional’ cream. Apply it to your face and neck to see if it can support healthier skin and perhaps even reduce the appearance of wrinkles'.

Another popular product is the Premium Jane 200mg Oil Control Facial Cleanser. This has a lower CBD concentration than many of the brand’s other skincare products with just 2mg of CBD per ml. Nonetheless, it contains a host of natural ingredients that could give your skin a much-needed boost.

While this is one of the more expensive products in the Premium Jane CBD topical range, its versatility makes it worth the price for many users. The other downside is that the brand sells out of this product often, so you need to keep checking to see when it is back in stock!

Last but not least comes the Premium Jane 200mg CBD creamy charcoal facial cleanser. This innovative product uses charcoal and ivy-leaf extract to give your skin the hydration it needs. Consider using this facial cleanser if you find that your skin feels tight and dry. If you haven’t tried charcoal yet, now is your chance!products

Final Thoughts on the Premium Jane CBD Topicals Range

If you want a brand new way to enjoy CBD, give Premium Jane’s CBD topicals a go! It is a unique method of applying the cannabinoid. While CBD oil is ideal for general use, some people want to consume the compound to help manage pain symptoms. In that case, applying a lotion, cream, or ointment directly to the troublesome area is a better option.

No matter what topical product you use, make sure your hands and the part of the skin you’re applying the CBD to are clean! Apply as needed, and rub it firmly into the skin. Please wait a while to see how it affects you, and add more as necessary.